sadly, I got eaten. see:

but bikes aside, the bike ride was great. fresh air. good company. and very informational (we rode to the public library)
In the short almost two months that I have been married I have learned a few things:
- being selfish is not an option. everything i do, say think, even feel effects the other person.
- its not about where you spend the time, its about spending time in the same place. period.
- assume that you are always wrong.
- sometimes it is necessary to give the other person the illusion of having their cake and eating it too.
However, opposites attract. This is fact.
I would have never been able to cope with someone that competes with my creativity (save that for the work force).
Charles James is my best friend. Period. So I shall end with a picture.

Aww i love the list of things you've learned so far while being married. Post more as you realize them!
I'm so happy that you found your lifelong partner already, you look so happy!...gives me hope! haha
You two are so adorable. It's nice to know that opposite do work out!
Sorry about your bug bite but glad you got to enjoy a ride to the library.
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