what what?!? its update time.
first: I want to eat better, not as in more salads, but more pure, natural foods. I want to go raw, not like full on completely raw (goodness knows I wouldn't survive without coffee), but raw-ish. My body has become terrible at processing the other kind of food.
Today I went shopping at Whole Foods, wow!
my purchases:
- Soynut Butter
- A whole lotta Laurabars!
- Wasabi Peas
- Granola
- Vanilla Goat Milk Yogurt
- Tofu, Regular Firm & Italian Seasoned
- Green Smoothie Drinks
- Fruit: Figs, Pears, Grapefruit, Plouts, Cantelope, Blueberries
- Vegetables: Carrots, Avacado
- Miso Soup
ok, holy yum!
I want to post more pictures on here, not just words....black and white tend to be boring.
I went running today!
this is apart of my new goals for myself, I want to become more active.

and to celebrate Tonight, Charles is taking me to eat SUSHI! Hoorah!!!
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